vendredi, octobre 27, 2006

Et on poursuit avec :

-And you will know my name is the lord when I lay my Vengence upon you

-I'Mmthe tyrany of evil man.

-Totally fucking cool !

-Gonna walk the earth...

-So you decided to be a bum...

-I'll just be Jules, Vincent. No more, No less...

-It's call a bum...

-You're gonna be a fickin' Bum...

-Tu me fais chier a parler comme un débile...

-It's the one that says

-I'm pretty fucking far from Okay...

-Chill out.

-Hey my name's Paul, and this shit betwen y'all...

-You lookin'at somethin' friend - You aint my friend, palooka - What was that ??? - I think you heard me just gine punchy !

C'étais bref, mais O combien déliceux !!!

mercredi, octobre 25, 2006

En deuxième position...

-I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst...

...and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life...

-Today is the first day of the rest of your life...That true exepte for one day, the day you die.

-Man you are one twisted fuck...-Nope, just an ordinary guy, whit nothing to lose

-Hi my name is Ricky. I just move next door to you - Uh yeah, I know. I kinda remember this realy creppy incident when you were filming me last night - I don't mean to scare you. I just thing you're interesting - Thanks, but I really don't need to have some psycho obsessing about me right now - I'm not obsessing, just curious

-Never underestimate the power of denial !

-They can't put you away just for saying weird thing's - What a freak...

-Oh it's okey, I wouldn't remember me either..

-Whoa whoa whoa, put a little more in ther cowboy...

-Look i'm don't paying you to do whatever it is you douing out - Fine, so don't pay me - Excuse me - I quit, so you don't have to pay me, Now leave me alone - Asshole...

-Is never too late to get it back

-We used to be happy...

-Hmmmm let me think.... NO

-What a sad old man you are...

-Go fuck yourself psycho...

-Man-oh-man !

-How come these faggots always have to rub it in your face ? How can they be so shameless ? - That's the hole thing dad, they don't feel that's anything to be ashamed of - Well it is ! - Yeah you're right - Don't placate me like I'm your mother son - Forgive me sir for speaking so bluntly, but those fags make me want to puke my fucking guts out - Well me to son, Yeah me to

-Smile, you're at Mr. Smiley !

J'espère que ce fut aussi bon pour vous que pour moi !!!


mardi, octobre 24, 2006

Mon meilleur !!!

-I see in Fight Club the strongestand smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential. And I see it squandered. Goddamn it,an entire generation pumping gas. Waiting tables. Slaves with white collars.

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes. Working jobs we hateso we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raisedon television to believe that one day we'd be millionairesand movie gods and rock stars. But we won't. We're slowly learning that fact.

And we're very, very pissed off.

-Lost in oblivion - Perdu dans l'oubli

-Yes We're man, man is ehat we are

-You know man it could be worse, a women could cut off your penis while you slleping ans toss it out the window of a moving car...IT'S ALWAYS THAT !!!

-Shit man now it's all gone...

-What a shit hole

-Babies don't sleep this well

-I suppose these thing happen

-It's only after we lost everything that we free to do anything.

-Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing

-On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drop to zero.

-The things you own, end-up owning you

-You have to know that someday you're going to die, until your know thatm you'll be useless

-This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

-Lose all hope is freedom.

-Yes these are bruises form fighting. I'm confortable whit them. I enlightted.

-It's all going down man.

Bon Bien c'était un début...

Beaucoup plus a venir !!!


J'ai Finalement trouvé une vocation a ce blog !!!
J'ai l'habitude de noter les citations et autres phrases que je trouve inspirante dans un livre, car ma mémoire est aussi poreuse que les dents d'un conquistador ayant le scorbu...
Alors je vais tenter de séparer le tout en thèmes bien précis, mais ça ne sera pas toujours facile !!!
C'est une façon que j'ai trouvé pour que cette ouvrage personnel reste a tous jamais éternel!!!
Bonne Lecture...